Some advice please :)

18 Mar 2006
First time buyer.. advice please?

Hey guys.

I have been saving some money up for a while now in order to purchase a new PC for myself. My current PC is a good 8 or so years old and I think it's time I brought a gaming machine for myself so I can play the latest games and such.

I've got £800 right now, and the only thing I need is the base unit. Would £800 be enough to get a beasty games machine that will handle all the latest games, and many more for the next 2 or so years (with only small upgrades needed, i.e graphics card etc)?

I'd also like to go Dual Core if possible, but I'm not sure if I have enough to do that? I was thinking perhaps if I don't, it would be a good idea to only get 1gb of RAM now, and spend more money on getting a Dual Core processor, or on another area of the PC, perhaps the motherboard? Then buy another 1gb of RAM when I've saved up some more money.

So to summarise I want,

Dual Core Processor
Graphics card for gaming
At least 120gb hard drive
Plus all the other basics, PSU etc.

I won't be overclocking...

Wanna play the latest games on high settings too.

I've been looking at the posts round the forum and it seems you are all a nice helpful bunch so hopefully you can come up with something for me.

Thanks ever so much.
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Wait!? You're crazy man. I cannot wait, I've been waiting for ages.. I can't take it no longer!

I should've mentioned that I have no intention to overclock. I don't want to blow up my house.. :(
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