Some assistance required with a Sigma 50mm f/1.4

8 Nov 2005
I've just picked up a Canon-fit Sigma 50mm f/1.4 and thus far, I'm distinctly underwhelmed with it. But I'd appreciate some assistance with ascertaining whether it is me or the lens at fault here - or both of us.

IMy first task, as always, was to run it through a series of 'wall tests' where I set the camera up parallell to a wall, mounted on a tripod and triggered remotely and took a series of shots at various apertures to check for sharpness, distortion, etc.

However, the results were a little odd.

I shot at f/1.4, f/2.8, f/5.6, f/8 and f/11 and for the most part the sharpness and quality of the images were superb. Yet in a few the lens hadn't nailed the focus and in some others the images were a little soft and had some colour-fringing evident.

And while I was out in the garden doing the aforementioned test, I took a few pot-shots of the washing-line just to see what the lens was like in 'real world' terms at f/1.4. And there was CA absolutely everywhere. Anything from the focus point to the camera was fringed in purple and anything behind the focus point had a greeny/blue outline.

So finally I've set something up indoors. A silly little test where I've got the camera set up on a tripod, remotely triggered, and focused at a page of the newspaper - as seen below, if you click on the Spoiler button.

In said photo I'm focusing on the 'bl' of 'Wimbledon' and shooting at f/1.4, which at the target's distance of 18" ought to give me around 0.25" of DOF around the focal point. The image is unprocessed and merely cropped to the size seen above.

I know what I think, but what do you reckon?
Which Wimbledon were you aiming, it is either front or rear focusing.

Micro adjust will fix this, as for the CA, have you turned off Highlight Tone priority?
You should use a proper focus chart, the AF sensor will get confused with all that text around.

Make sure the camera is tripod mounted as well and use a remote release or timer. With such a narrow DoF a slight nudge will push the focus away.

If you follow the instructions in the above link precisely, and real world photography is showing the same problems, then it is like a calibration error.

If you can, use microadjust until you are happy with the focus. If you don't if micro-adjust then you will need to send the lens in for calibration, best done by sending in your camera as well.
You should use a proper focus chart, the AF sensor will get confused with all that text around.
Manually focused using the centre-point only and triple-checked for accuracy.

Make sure the camera is tripod mounted as well and use a remote release or timer. With such a narrow DoF a slight nudge will push the focus away.
I have. I did mention that in the OP!

If you can, use microadjust until you are happy with the focus. If you don't if micro-adjust then you will need to send the lens in for calibration, best done by sending in your camera as well.
Forgetting the focusing for now, what about the IQ in general? You seem to know your stuff - what say you?
Have you micro adjusted your camera. What camera are you using?

Is the focusing off at the same point every time?
No. And this is a 5d MkII.

The focusing only seems to be off at the larger apertures.

For example, when I ran the lens through the 'wall tests' it only misfired when wide-open or up to f/2.8.

Definitely suggests misfocusing. Try micro adjust and report back.
Definitely suggests misfocusing. Try micro adjust and report back.
I appreciate that the greater DOF afforded by smaller apertures may be overcoming any focus shifting when wide-open, but the lens doesn't misfocus every time at f/1.4.

Does that make any difference?
I took a few pot-shots of the washing-line just to see what the lens was like in 'real world' terms at f/1.4. And there was CA absolutely everywhere. Anything from the focus point to the camera was fringed in purple and anything behind the focus point had a greeny/blue outline.
Just to clarify something about this and to get in before someone else mentions it; I am well aware that of the issue with spherochromatism and wide-aperture lenses.

However, I've never seen it this bad before and I'd expect the in-focus areas to be completely clear.
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