some camera advice if possible?

5 Feb 2009
N. Ireland
1st i want to start of by thanking everyone from this thread a while back for sending me in the right direction...i've now got a proper photographer sorted (and for nothing more than the price of his flight out and a bite to eat!!) cheers folks.....

anyway on to the question at hand, after seeing some of his efforts i was blown away and realised that my cruddy little point and click just wont do for the honeymoon. :p... we're going to be touring round south west france for a few weeks and i'd like some half decent quality pics to take home...with that in mind is the D3100 any good for an absolute novice, eg easy(relatively) to use etc.

it'd probably just be scenery shots and the like that i'd be taking. though when i get home i'd like to start taking snaps of the night sky too, but i'll cross that bridge lens wise etc later

i can pick one up new with a 18-55mm lens for about 400 notes, or is there anything better for similar out lay floating about?

i've also signed up to the local photography club, so hopefully can get a few tips for taking pics etc

thanks for any advice
just be careful, some of these clubs are "Now today you will learn how to hold a camera"

lol, but in fairness i'd probably need that lesson!

it's been on the go for quite a few years and i know some of the folks in it and they say it's a pretty cool group who'd be more than happy to help me find my feet
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