Some candid, 'Street' photos

18 Oct 2002
Hello everybody,

I went shopping today, and decided to take the camera with me. It was a little bit on the dark side, so shutter speeds tended to be a tad slow, explaining some of the below photos. I was just trying to quickly capture some fleeting moments with my walk down the high-street. If anyone is interested, all the photos were taken with the camera down at my side, I seem to be a little too shy to point a camera at random strangers :(.

If anyone wants to know about specific processing of individual pictures etc., then go ahead!

Hope some of you like them, and that some of you comment on them too:




Colin_da_Killer said:
They are nice photos, not too sure yet if I'm keen on the angles though.
Yeah I think your tripod's got a leg missing mate :p

Still, I like 4 and 7 a lot
I know how you feel about taking random pics of people in the street but I've done what you've done and shot from the hip and got some good photos so it does work sometimes ! Another good place to get candids is just sit at a cafe table and play with the camera on the table why you have a latte.. level table, and no one sees you.
Or do what cyKey does and ask the fittest girls you see if they mind u taking a photo. It worked for him :D
They were indeed in Beeston, I was doing my weekly shop, and brought the camera along :). And yes they are a bit wonky, but I thought that would add to the 'candidness' - discuss :).

I might just try the sitting down somewhere trick when I get some time, a cunning plan indeed. Not sure about the girl finding and snapping, fairly sure the girlfriend wouldn't be all too happy!

Puz said:
Or do what cyKey does and ask the fittest girls you see if they mind u taking a photo. It worked for him :D

Haha :D A good tip for street photography is to pretend to be taking architecture shots. Just stand in the street and point your camera. People will most likely make eye contact with you and then take the picture. I think you are a bit too far away from the subjects though. I know how stressful street photography can be, pointing a camera at a random person could make them kick off on you. Its a risk you have to take to get a good photo.
The angle can be useful sometimes, but in all these pictures I don't feel as if they add anything.

Also most of them don't appear to have strong composition (5. is the best composition for me).
Beeston...Nottingham? :eek:

Right near me that is (Oakwood, Derby.) Some interesting shots there but personally I would just avoid shooting in town centres all together!
I have tried candid photos in my town centre and a lot of them don't come out well. I need a longer lens really so I can be devious and not let anyone see! Plus I'll be able to get that extra magnification!

But yeah out of them, five and six are my favourites. Nice work!
cyKey said:
A good tip for street photography is to pretend to be taking architecture shots.

Never been round my parts have you :). Not exactly the best architecture to be found... Nottingham town centre is probably a lot better for that methinks.

The general concencus seems to be that the angles are somewhat undesirable! Oh well, I think I need to get to a busier place, so that I can blend a little better. Cheers for all the comments guys, if anyone else has tips for this sort of shot, feel free to share them!


Even if its not the greatest of buildings its still a building. Remeber you're not taking a picture of the building so who's to know :)
Number 4 is probably my favourite, although the 'dynamic' angles get a bit repetitive.

P.S. I think the guys in number 7 see you.
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