have been just playing around with some tabs i have found, a few of the metallica songs have pretty easy intros so have just been doing them over and over until they sound right
also got the first bit of RHCP - tell me baby, its only a few notes i know but i was happy with myself for being able to play it
cheers for the input though guys ill let you know how i get one, full day off work tomorrow so oging to really sit down and try some stuff
my guitar is definalty in tune as well i tuned it then my mate just tweaked it so its pretty much perfect for the time being
finding it quite easy reading tabs, there are a few abbreviations and stuff im not sure about but they are mainly in what seem to be the more technical songs
any sites that teach you things using these 2 note power chords then?
ill have a look into those few songs you have suggested
already started smoke on the water, i just keep managing to miss a string or hit an extra string whilst playing the main part of it LOL ill stick at it though
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