some games stuttering with my 5700 XT

20 Oct 2002
Oxfordshire / Bucks
I need to check out more games

but having recently upgraded my GPU, some games struggle to run

for example,

Doom (2016) runs perfectly fine on Ultra

Watch Dogs 1 stutters on Ultra, and High detail

i noticed that when im browsing the internet on for example my GPU , games or whatever, im seeing a lot of " CPU is bottle necked"

could my CPU be the cause of stutters ?

i5 (skylake) 6600K with Prolimatech Megahalems Black + Arctic F12
5700 XT
16 Gb RAM
500 Gb SSD (NVmE)
27" 1080p 144 HZ monitor (AMD)
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Have you got Instant Replay on and if so what is set as it's buffer, System memory or Disk Storage?

For me Disk Storage causes stutter and when the buffer's my system memory I have to limit the length of time to around 10 minutes, any longer and that causes sutter, I've got 16gb's of storage memory but need more to set it beyond the ten minute limit.

Replay is off

Is that in the game or amd software?
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