Some info on this error??

19 Oct 2002
It froze & press ctrl alt del. I got this I have Mint 10 64 bit (PAE kernel).
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Randomly removing packages when you are not sure what they are doing it probably a bad idea.

Googling for "gnm-sstm-mntr error (No such file or directory)" without the quotes gives the first hit from the Linux Mint forums for a thread with someone with the same issue and it looks like that there may be a mis-defined keyboard shortcut going by the end of the thread.

I would also be surprised if you were actually running a 64bit PAE kernel as normally you have 32bit PAE kernels to get over the 32bit memory limits which 64bit kernels don't have.
I would also be surprised if you were actually running a 64bit PAE kernel as normally you have 32bit PAE kernels to get over the 32bit memory limits which 64bit kernels don't have.

Hehe, your right or maybe I am from the future where they have 128 bit systems. hehe.
If gnome system monitor works now, then it's not that package at fault, I suspect this will be the case.

If it is the system has crashed in such a way that the filesystem isn't working.

Do you still have the messages file?
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