Some Mac Pro Questions

11 Apr 2004
1) Can you use normal DDR2 PC2-6400 which is a lot cheaper?

2) Do you void you warranty if you install your own hard drives and RAM?

3) Are they quiet?

4) Is it worth putting a fanless graphics card in to cut down on noise, say a HIS ATI HD 4650 Silent Heatpipe?

5) Is the Mac OS easy to use?
If you haven't used OSX before then I would ask yourself why looking at a Mac Pro.

What are you looking to use the machine for.

I'm just toying with the idea of getting one at the moment. It would be used mainly for audio production and graphic design. I know a few people that write music professionaly and they all rave on about macs and how the pc is dying, though I think to say pc's are dying is a bit of an exageration..

Personaly I love the windows/pc platform, but you don't have logic on the pc. Other than that is there any real reason to get a mac pro over a pc? I mean do macs run graphics and audio software better than a pc as macs do seem to be the industry standard in this field?

mdjmcnally said:
I wouldn't personally get one to use as a Windows Gaming machine which some people have.

Another gamer who wants a Mac Pro...

No. For gaming you can't beat a pc. I'd never consider a mac for gaming. The fact that the mac lags behind a pc on the gaming front is one reason i'm hesitant about getting one. Instead of buying a new mac it may be better to just upgrade my pc instead?
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I beg to differ my friend, I have here a Mac Pro. Bootcamp installed Vista Premium 64bit with the latest Nvidia drivers for this 512MB 8800GT - No game is too much - No game is slow EVER. Mac Pro's make for a great gaming computer, just add a new GFX when they are released and your up to date.

Perfect system for gaming, and looks damn better than most.

For gaming i'd sooner use a 4870/4870x2 than a 8800GT
Of course you would, but thats not the point is it? The games are more than perfectly fine on that card, and yes there is a 3870 ATI card should someone want it.

Will a 8800GT run CoD 4, Crysis, Farcry 2 and the other latest FPS at 1920x1200 and >30fps with eye candy on a mac pro?
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