Some macro photos (56k warning)

18 Oct 2002
Following on from this thread about my Macro flash I thought I'd post some photos from today.

All from my garden and Exif info intact.





Thanks for your comments :)
I was in a rush yesterday so didn't get chance to type much.

I really couldn't believe it when the Dragon Fly landed in my garden. I immediately abandoned the butterflies, bees, & hover flies and rushed over to photograph it. It's the first one I have ever seen close up and it was there for a long time. I got some good photos of if from various angles and different settings.
Bees are hard to photograph as they are only still for 1-2 seconds so you've really got to be quick

I'm getting used to lens and flash combination now – F14 - F16 seems the sweet spot at 1:1 life size.

My next aim is to get a Hover fly in mid air but that is so far proving to be difficult.

Psilonaught said:
very impressive mate. Could I use an extension tube on my 24-105 or would it still not really be good enough for marco photography?
It's possible to use extension tubes with any lens; you would increase magnification and get good results.
I'm pretty pleased with this

Canon 100mm Macro lens @ 1:1 and 12, 20 & 36mm Kenko extension tubes. Not cropped.

Hover Fly

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