Some of my macro work (not for slowband)

8 Nov 2005
Unfortunately none of the these recent shots - all from 2005 - but I've discovered a whole load of unprocessed shots that I'd forgotten about. Alas they are only from the JPEG files, but they're better than nothing!

Obviously I appreciate that this kind of thing isn't everyone's cup of tea but I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts and any critique people would care to throw my way.

The Beauty Within:



Hidden Treasure:

All have had a bit of tinkering in PS; levels, curves, cropping, etc.
AndyBorzi said:
What macro did you use?
Canon 100mm Macro. Effectively a 160mm when using a 20D.

Mohain said:
Ever considered contacting these people for submissions?
Not until I read your post! Thanks for the linkage, Mohain.

Looks like every shot has at least one fan, so that's pleasing. Thanks for the comments.
RichDay said:
They're all pretty good but the first one is crying out for a bit more DOF, F2.8 gives far too little. Maybe shooting at F8 (or thereabouts) would bring the centre of the flower more into focus.
I know what you mean, I should have really taken a selection of shots but unfortunately I was pressed for time (had to go Madeira tasting) and only managed to rattle off a few.

I kind of like the crazy focusing on it though.
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