Some of the jumping sections in DOOM (2016)/DOOM ETERNAL/ DOOM-THE ANCIENT GODS

17 Nov 2018
Don't get me wrong. I like the games in the thread title but don't play them as often as I used to becuase of the jumping and climbing sections. The players who post their sessions on Youtube make such sessions look easy but when you try some of them yourself they're almost impossible unless you're Superman or Spider man. Its such jumps that're spoiling the games for me. If they were going to have played having to jump to reach parts of a level, why couldn't they make them easier? Some of the jumps/climbs're easy while some take a few attempts. Ther're a few cases I can mention, especially the ones in which I can't get any further.
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There aren't any difficult jumps in the game if you use your abilities properly. You have up to 2 dashes, a double jump, and your super shotgun meathook.

Maybe post the specific part you're having difficulty with.
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There aren't any difficult jumps in the game if you use your abilities properly. You have up to 2 dashes, a double jump, and your super shotgun meathook.

Maybe post the specific part you're having difficulty with.
Wait. You could use the shoghook on the walls? I thought it was just for enemies.
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