Some piano learning advice please.

30 Apr 2004
I'm thinking about learning to play the piano, and was wondering what the going rate for lessons was. Any other advice would be appreciated. I'm 21 with no apprciable musical ability, so obviously as a complete novice I think professional lessons would be needed to get me started, but i'm not quite how everything works.

Thanks in advance
Just find yourself a great teacher, thats the most important thing.

I Started having lessons about 12 years ago through rimmers music. Stayed there for about 2 years, then moved to another teacher for about a year and before I moved to university I had lessons from a Romanian guy. Well basically this Romanian guy was great and I realised that my two previous teachers weren't so great. I could have progressed so much further if I had found this guy from the very beginning. I then moved to university and stopped getting lessons (big mistake looking back).

So, get a top teacher.
Basically start off with a book such as "A tune a day" or similar to this. You will firstly have to start off by doing the left hand and the right hand seperately. After you have mastered each hand seperately start joining the 2 together however you must start with the simple 5 finger tunes.

I always started each piece i learnt each hand sepereately, then put the 2 hands together slowly and then tried getting the piece up to speed.
marc_howarth said:
I always started each piece i learnt each hand sepereately, then put the 2 hands together slowly and then tried getting the piece up to speed.
This man speaks the truth,I do exactly the same thing and its so much easier to learn a piece(epsecially grade 8!!doing that currently) although at first doing it hands separately is very boring indeed.
Can anyone reccomend what type of keyboard to get for home practice, I'm willing to spend a good bit if need be to get something good, but would just like to get something that would be good to learn on.
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