Some pictures from yesterday.

26 Aug 2003
The North
Following a total lack of photography over the previous weeks i decided to make up my uselessness by getting up early and catching the sunrise over at hopes nose in torquay yesterday morning.

The sunrise was totally awsome and well worth the effort. So here are my results:





C&C much appreachiated!
Wow, absolutely beautiful sunrise shots. Really makes me envious of anyone living near the sea when I see stuff like this. Damn you!!

Congratulations on getting a fly to sit still too :D
I did exactly the same thing a few weeks back! :cool:

Your sunrise // shots are far better than mine - I didn't have any clouds going, which was a bit annoying.
Were there fishermen there when you got there? There were when I was down there (at 4:30 ish) and they scared the bajeesus out of me!
Third is my favourite... Absolutely fantastic :)
Very nice, rare to get a sunrise like that where I live not that Im awake at that sort of time. I like the borders with a sample of the image colour in them really sets it off.
no3 is definitely the best one, very nice long exposure shot, what ND filter did you used btw? And what was the settings used?
Amazing m8, absolutly amazing, number 2 is my fav, i like the outlines, what equipment did u use for long exposures ? filters etc.........u have inspired me get up in mornin and get some shots ! lol

I used a lee 0.6 hard grad for most of the shots. The settings for the 3rd pic were 10mm, f/22, 1.3s, ISO100.

Quite suprised that everyone is putting 3 as the best, i think 2 is my favourite. :)
yak.h'cir said:
I used a lee 0.6 hard grad for most of the shots.

I was just going to ask what filter you used. I went out on my first sunrise shoot the other morning to find that all my shots either had the ground underexposed and the sky burnt out, or the other way round!

I need to get me some ND grads...

Anyway, the shots are very nice. No. 3 being my favourite :)
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