Some Q's..

9 Aug 2004
Milton Keynes
Got a Canon A620 today and got some questions..

How come the camera doesn't shoot things straight?

The monitor is square in life but bendy in the photo;


Orginal 1.5mb

Also does this look okay to you guys seems a bit blurry what can i do to make it better or is that it?


Orginal 1.6mb

Also can i do those night shoots where you stand on a bridge and get blur of car lights infront of you and you can see a car..
ste_bla said:
How come the camera doesn't shoot things straight?

Have you ever looked at the shape of a lens? Notice how it isn't flat/square?

It's the same reason that at the cinema, the screen is slightly curved (to compensate and make the image appear straight), and why on a perfectly flat CRT television, you'll get distortion at the edges (the light has to travel further).

Also can i do those night shoots where you stand on a bridge and get blur of car lights infront of you and you can see a car..

Go out and find a bridge and play with shutter speed.
Barrel distortion is to blame for the bendiness, and will probably be more apparent at the wide end (zoomed out) of your lens.

As for the light trails it is possible with your camera, you need something sturdy to rest it on (ie a tripod) and a long shutter speed (10 seconds or more).

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