Some recent (and older) shots around London...

6 May 2004
London, UK
Hi guys,

Just a collection of (in my opinion) some reasonable efforts from walking around London. The first two are older (March and June), the other ones are in the last two weeks or so.

I've been falling in love with my 50mm f/1.4 so 3-6 are all shot with the prime. 1-2 are shot with the 18-70mm kit lens. (In fact, the first one is from the OcUK photo meet in March but hadn't discovered it until yesterday!)

Naturally, comments and suggestions most welcome. Hope you enjoy!

1. A silhouette shot of the Big Ben and House of Commons

2. At Eel Pie Island (near Twickenham)

3. Tower Bridge early morning

4. "Apples and Oranges" :p

5. Through the Caviar House restaurant window

6. At some bushes around Croydon (of all places!)
RichDay said:
Number 4 is the standout for me. Love the colours and contrast and your framing is good :)

We'll have to set up another London meet sometime soon!
Thank You :) That shot was one of those that I wasn't particularly excited about when looking it on the camera LCD, but was much more interesting when viewed on the computer (especially after some curve adjustments!)

Definitely agree with you about setting up another London meet soon - I doubt this current (well, recent) weather is going to stay for long, so we should make the most of it! Just think, we wouldn't have to freeze our balls off like last time either! :o :D
Danke Schön, Michael :)

I take your point about the DOF in 4 and 5... I suppose 4 moreso than 5. Next time, I should try two different versions to compare later. In my defence, the height difference of the apples and oranges was such that I doubt even f/16 (max. on my 50mm f/1.4) would have made both heights be in focus... the oranges were at my minimum focusing distance, and the apples were a good 1m further down from that, if I remember correctly.

I feel the same way about you regarding 6 - the abundant empty sky adds the extra bleakness to the picture which I feel wouldn't be there if it was a neat crop. Thanks for your comments! :D
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