Some shots from today

23 Jul 2004
Dublin / Southend On Sea
Rather splendid weather today so i took a trip down to my seafront and along the pier, my legs are killing me! :p



thanks for the replies guys. Yes i can see how you feel about the first one. I agree with the level horizon, i probably should have done a shot like that as well and compared, but i was getting a bit bored of the level stuff and wanted something a bit different :p
JRY said:
very nice m8
eventhough the first one does make me giddy :)

is this with the 18-55mm lens?

hehe :p Yes mate, all but 5, which was my 50mm 1.8.


thanks for your comments mate, very much appreciated :) Some of the stuff you said i didnt realise, so ill give them another tweak soon :)
RandomTom said:
but i'm just going to add on number 5 because i think it's the best shot you posted, and unfortunately i think it's just down to the clarity of the image using that lens, the desaturated colours and lomo effect work really well here but echoing woodsy2k i only wish that the telescopes barrel lead me somewhere. Quite like number 2 also, very raw, which works.

cheers mate, yea im well chuffed with the 50mm, well worth the money imo. I did have another one of the telescope, but it didnt come very well so im a bit gutted about that.

Jimmy_Lemon said:
Number 3 is missing two blokes walking down the towards the camera, one of them smoking a cigar, until one remembers he left something at the other end......ah good old UK Gold!.....anyway.

I like number 1 though it does feel like you are on the titanic! and I am sure will appear in a nightmare tonight! :p

lol. As everyone loves the angle of my first one so much, i thought id post this one too :p


now that makes me a bit queasy, lol
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woodsy2k said:
There are three things i notice about that last image you posted mate. First is that subject matter is that much better than the very first shot. Its the person that makes it. The second is that the gradient is too much, you had it spot on in the first shot imo. thirdly, you have dust on your CCD/CMOS, this can be seen just above the second lamp post in from the left :) Might want to get that sorted out before it spoils any more shot mate.

In fairness it can be cloned out, when the area is quite simple, and it wont really show up that much if the area is quite complicated, but its worth sorting it anyway :)


Yea i really only like this one because of the silloheute(sp?) guy, i think if he was in the my first shot, it would make it much better

Ive had that pesky bit of dust in pretty much all my photos, i just rushed that one and forgot to clone it out :p I need to get one of them blower thingys.

number41 said:
I like the colours in the first one of the flooring! What sort of post processing did you do on it? Is it HDR?

That shot, as well as a couple of others was my first bash at RAW. The colours are pretty much from the camera, but i just tweaked the white balance to make the colours a bit warmer.

Joe T said:
The first one rocks - and some of the others are good too. :)

thanks mate :)
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