Some strange things happening with this website, ghostly o_O

17 Oct 2002
Cold Scotland :(
Currently updating the company website to a nicer newer interface and im working on some prototype designs, and im usually pretty good are working around problems etc but this has beaten me!

Loaded up in FireFox everything is hunky dorey, load it up in IE6Win and its a completely different matter, and for once I dont think its a positional problem (unless you count the floaty menu).

Load it up in IE and hit refresh a few times, and watch the top half of the site dissappear! Magic, and i wasn't even trying :p

Image of said behaviour: Click Me

At first I thought it was my pc, but I can repeat the behaviour on at least 3 other computers in this house.

Im going to call in the ghostbusters unless anyone has a better solution! :D
probably a better explanation but i always just put this down to IE becomming more and more buggy as time goes on

you can actually highlight the text so its something to do with IE and style sheets, if you give it a few seconds the missing parts will render/load

i have the same problem on one of my stretchy sites and every now and again the page width jumps to 110% for 10 seconds or so then pops back to 100%
Heh, I tend to agree with you, IE is as buggy as they come. Unfortunatly it also has the market share so its necessary to make sure the website works in it.

I think I have narrowed down the problem, its the clear:both; z-index:2; under #content - This was to allow the floated menu to be shown, altering that and the site now renders correctly!

Now comes the part where I start tearing my hair out as I try to create fluid cubes that work at all resolutions like this mockup: Click Me

I have updated the test5.html with what I have right now.

Its *almost* making me want to use tables :( :(
nice :)

be intresting to see if you can get it working, i tried something almost exactly the same not to long ago but fell back to tables to do it

i'll get the hang of this css malarky one day
Been trying to perfect this layout for a while now, with little success. Hopefully I can perfect it.

I'll keep trying though! :D
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