Some Uni research (warning: I am basically begging)

5 Apr 2011
Hey all,

I'm currently studying at Glamorgan Uni in Wales and am about to start research on a paper about the Command Line Interface and it's use in the Modern OS. The lecturer mentioned that while talking about our specific award is the way to go, it would be useful to research other jobs / tasks to get a better feel of how important (or conversely, unimportant) the CLI is.

I'd like to get a broader perspective as to what questions I should be asking and what roles people still depend on it for. My initial plan of asking people in the street seems like it won't work unless i'm giving away cans of Lilt, and I tried calling local business to ask their IT guys and I suppose understandably so they had more pressing matters.

If you have a spare 5 minutes and could fill in this survey, i'd appreciate it!
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The command line is faster and more accurate than GUI's for pretty much any task that you can remember the syntax for. It works rather better over a network too, ssh is far nicer than rdesktop/vnc et al.

The "Terminal" in OSX / Ubuntu etc is called bash, it's a shell. It's also a fairly complicated programming language, and so much more than the DOS command prompt.

Your paper is going to depend critically on what you define a "Modern OS" as. People in the street will look confused and tell you they like icons because they're simple, you'll get further with wikipedia and the word "bash" than you will with surveys.
Done, also, if you want to look a little more professional:

Ubuntu is not a CLI, you mean bash.

Programmer is a pretty boring role; "Software Engineer" is what we're known as. This covers developers: Who architect software, design, program and unit test software and solutions etc... It also covers testers (like me): Who architect, design and program testing and test automation and sometimes do testing. Basically programming is the most boring part of a developers job, and testing is the most boring part of a tester's job, we both do very little of these, just to give you an overview of what working in development is really like. Anyhow; say Software Engineer. :D

It's not always about if you can do everything through the CLI as well as the GUI, although this is how it seems coming from Windows. Many systems don't have a GUI installed, or don't have a GUI to install.
Done, also, if you want to look a little more professional:

Ubuntu is not a CLI, you mean bash.

Programmer is a pretty boring role; "Software Engineer" is what we're known as. This covers developers: Who architect software, design, program and unit test software and solutions etc... It also covers testers (like me): Who architect, design and program testing and test automation and sometimes do testing. Basically programming is the most boring part of a developers job, and testing is the most boring part of a tester's job, we both do very little of these, just to give you an overview of what working in development is really like. Anyhow; say Software Engineer. :D

It's not always about if you can do everything through the CLI as well as the GUI, although this is how it seems coming from Windows. Many systems don't have a GUI installed, or don't have a GUI to install.

TBH I've sort of lost all respect for the term engineer! I never call myself an engineer because in the UK the term is so loosely used. In some countries you actually need a degree to be called an engineer. Programmer suits me just fine, software developer, or system analyst or system architect ... Strictly speaking you're an engineer if you hold a BEng degree and not a BSc which most CS courses in the UK offer

I mean the electrician, plumber, mr TV repairman, mr washing machine fixit -- there all engineers, not technicians!

also CLI refers to 'Terminal' i.e. UNIX posix terminal which Linux replicated. Whats Ubuntu got to do with it? using CMD in windows is also CLI, not batch :-)
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