Someone is using my email address

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26 Nov 2009
Yesterday I received an email from Best Buy Canada and today from Walmart Canada thanking me for creating an account. I received further emails from both retailers confirming orders I hadn't made. I have been using my email address for over 20 years. This other guy using my email has the same first and last name as me according to the invoices I was sent.

If this happened once then it could have been a simple error but to happen twice has got me a little concerned. I chatted online to a Walmart agent who confirmed the email address they have on file is the same as mine but all he said he could do is forward it to the relevant team and wouldn't give me anymore info.

Should I be concerned?
Is this a gmail or similar account. Maybe he's forgotten to put a full stop between his names... you may be able to track him down if you look at how he may have put your email by accident

At the very least though I'd change my password
Yeah, already done that. It's a hotmail account. I have his residential address from the invoice and it's the same address on both so I could write to him. I'm in the UK. I could probably access his Walmart account and get his phone number by using the forgotten password link to reset it but I don't know if that's wise.
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