Someone Ran me over..

7 Apr 2008
Lorville - Hurston
Hi all.

Yesterday evening i was on my way home cycling near central London on a quiet street.

There was a car that was driving the opposite direction on a fairly wide road and as we both approached this little junction he immediately turned on me (to his right to turn into the right side road from where his facing) without indicating and went straight into me.

Apparently i flipped mid air and i landed on my left side.

There was another driver that was behind him and he had a dashcam and recorded the whole thing. The driver that hit me didn't stop after the collision and ran.

Thankfully the other driver chased and followed him on a dead-end turn and told him to come back etc and he took his licence plate.

The guy never came back but i have all the video footage and registration .

Another thing to add that there was a off duty officer that was in the area too when it happened! He took my details plus the witnesses details and called the police to fill in a incident report.

I thank my lucky stars because looking at the footage i am lucky im just bruised. nothing broken when i saw the doctor.

I was later that evening planning to go to the emirates and watch arsenal play as i had tickets. So thats a bit of a bummer and my bikes wheels are screwed up.

In terms of whats the next step. what can i do for compensation etc? i would need to repair my bike and i spent £20+ quid on taxi's to get me to hospital etc.

I know that the police will call me again or i will give them a call sometime today to follow up on.

It was a pretty crap evening yesterday for me but could have been worse.

onwards and upwards!
I doubt if the Police will be interested to be honest, my brother had a far worse thing than this happen spent 8 weeks in hospital and the Police never even talked to him.

if that occurred then i talk to my cousin who also works for the police as i have a case incident number with me
Just a few bruises so far! will of course keep an eye on things. for example if my knee is messed up for life or something like that.

so far its grazed and bruised.
Does the footage show you flipping in mid air?

Yea if you zoom it closely as it was shot on a wide angle dashcam.

I have another separate footage of the witness chasing him and eventually caught up with him on a dead end road and asking him to come back but he diddnt...

The off duty officer saw all these footages etc and relayed it back to the police HQ he was chatting to on my phone.

Glad you're ok OP. I wouldn't cycle in a busy city personally, this country just doesn't have the correct infrastructure to safely use a bike to commute. It's far too dangerous.

Yea i am not debating ever cycling in london again after this...

i did love it before yesterday for a few reasons:

  1. independence of travelling and not relying on public transport
  2. brilliant for exercise(cardio and leg)
  3. it took me only 24min to get to work on a slow ride(20min if i push it) vs 45-50min on the bus to commute to work

Too many dangerous cyclists about

I agree i have seen many stupid cyclist playing with death so to speak and mentioned it to some friends how cyclist should have a mandetory licence or at least cycling on road lessons as not many where taught how to cycle in the road. a HUGE difference cycling on the road vs for leisure.

count your lucky stars - it gave you a perfectly valid excuse to get out of an Arsenal match.

HAHA but we won!!!

Im lucky that i had all these things in place when it happened(off duty cop, witness with a dashcam etc etc) and also glad that i can work from home and not lose any pay as im a contractor..

I will keep u guys informed of any further development .

TBH i just want justice done on the bloke who ran off , my health and wellbeing to be 100% back to normal and compensation for all this.
So the general consense is that wearing a helmet is useless for cycling in some cases and is not part of a law to do so.

And countries that inforced a law to wear helmets have had people stop cycling because of it?
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