Someone with Deathadder 2013?

5 Feb 2013
Hi guys,

I week ago I bought Steelseries Sensei (RAW) and although I was very happy with the mouse the wheel was just horrible- loud when scrolling up, not so much when scrolling down. In a quiet room it was definitely annoying. It also felt a little wobbly. Shame because the mouse was great. I have no such problem with my Steelseries Kana- the wheel is very quiet all the time.

Anyway I returned it to my local ASDA and now am looking into buying a new mouse. I am thinking of getting the Deathadder 2013 but just finished reading some online articles regarding same issues with the wheel- erratic behavior when scrolling up/down, also being noticeable loud when scrolling up. I just watched a Youtube video where the scroll is very soft/quiet but who knows- maybe the guy had luck with it.

Can anybody share info if they have the mouse?
Also- is the scroll CLICK soft/easy or does it require more effort. I will use the mouse for 3D work and that is really important for me.

P.S. Not really interested in Logitech mice currently.

Thanks a lot.
I dont have the new type but there is no smoke without fire so I would try to get the old type if you can. I have had the old type for years and never had anything exept perfection since day 1.........
My one is RZ01 00150100. I dont know if you will find it anywhere but dont get a version with bad reviews if you can help it. Businesses can be a real pain to deal with if you have issues and it is an expensive mouse after all so it should be perfect and last 10 years +
I've had deathadder 3.5 and 2013 and 13 is a lot better and is the best mouse u can buy since the old Intelli 3.0
I have a DA2013, wheel is fine, never missed a registration.

Only issue mine has is if I scroll down AND apply pressure to the left it tends to squeak but nothing major.

Like I said, most importantly it always registers the scroll.
I have the old Deathadder 3G.

Its a lovely mouse. No noise and hits my big hand perfectly.

The 2013's are Apperently better according yo reveiws. I don't know how though as I can't think of anything they could make better. :)
I have the 2013 - no issues with wheel registration. It does squeak a bit, though not enough for me to do anything about it :)
I also have DA 2013, best mouse I've ever used.

Coming from a Roccat Kone+; a working scroll wheel is a rather refreshing thing, I have no problems with it. It is louder when scrolling up, but nothing noticeable tbh.
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