Something for the Vinyl fans..

5 Jan 2003
Somewhere in the middle
After a long wait I got my Christmas present from the wife... when she had a call from Frank Harvey HiFi, calling to say it was in.....

So here it is ........


Have to say I'm quite chuffed.... Also went to a record fair Saturday morning and picked up 6 albums.... So it was put straight to good use with impressive results.

A luxury for sure, debated a few years about getting something, have to say first impression peoples reports are true, it does make an improvement in SQ...

Pro-ject is unproven, as I don't believe it's available yet..... not sure why they are using so much water....
There are many versions around, all work on a similar principle, fluid, brush and pump etc.
This one seemed to do well for noise and cleaning on various online reviews.

The fluid with the Clearaudio evaporates quite quick, so with the vacuum suction leaves the record dry after cleaning so I've not found I need to wait.
Yeah I was going for the Oki Noki, then I saw this one, liked the look of it more and it got better review on cleaning and noise level. As its once a lifetime purchase, not something you upgrade, I went for it.... Matches my equipment... LOL
Will do some before and after tests, not only are records cleaner and free of pops and crackles, they sound better !!!
The thought of a little piece left spinning its way at 33 1/3 to my cartridge has brought me out in a cold sweat !!!!:eek: :eek:
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