Something New

10 Dec 2003
Today, I have decided to start a new hobby that doesn't involve sitting on my round buttocks which Sic and Mohinder greatly admired whilst I queued for a burger at the Liverpool meet. :p

Hmm, anyway...

It isn't exactly fit, but it's cooking. I'm quite good and crafty at it, but I've never really done anything amazing. I was wondering if you guys could come up with some suggestions for something I could make that isn't really simple, but also not very difficult.

For example, a Pizza is too simple, but fish with a sauce and side-dish might be a little overwhelming to start off with.

So what can you suggest? I was thinking something along the lines of Chicken or something not very common. I'm quite open to all traditions of food so you can throw some unusual/foreign dishes my way, also.


Phil. :)
I'm not a total n00b, I can follow instructions and I've done a few things before like curry's etc. :)

Told everyone I'll be cooking tea and they're telling me to hurry and get the ingredients now. Suppose I could just do what any normal person does and browse sites. :)

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