Something new ?

16 Jul 2011
Northern Ireland
Wonder should I get far cry 4 or dying light for pc ? or would I be better saving for fallout 4 ? I have £35 on steam so was considering a newish game, or can anyone recommend any others ?

I quite enjoyed farcry 3, and heard that FC 4 and dying light would be quite similar open world style games.

Specs are i5 4690k, gtx 970, 8gb ram
Wonder should I get far cry 4 or dying light for pc ? or would I be better saving for fallout 4 ? I have £35 on steam so was considering a newish game, or can anyone recommend any others ?

I quite enjoyed farcry 3, and heard that FC 4 and dying light would be quite similar open world style games.

Specs are i5 4690k, gtx 970, 8gb ram

I would wait for Fallout 4 personally or get GTA V now.

Farcry 4 is awful in my opinion and a long shot in the bad way from FC3. Dying light is only playable with friends in co-op and even then it doesn't last too long. Again this is only my opinion.

Given a choice between Farcry 4 and Dying Light, I'd go for GTAV....

:L Perfect though fallout 4 still isn't a bad call.
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Dying light and far cry 4 were both very good imo

I agree with this, I haven't played loads of either yet, I tend to play a little and then come back to it at a later date providing I liked the first few hours of it.

I only recently finished Far cry 3 even though I pre-ordered it and tried it on release.

I've put several hours into both Far cry 4 and Dying Light so far and there both decent titles, I'm leaning more for Far cry 4 but that's because I really enjoyed Far cry 3.
Neither are new games though so if I had 30 quid to spend I'd be expecting to get both, Is the money in Steam or are you able to use it on a discount site?

I use a lot of discount sites and have bought hundreds of games through them (My Steam account currently stands at over 1300 games).

If you can use those types of sites you can save a lot of money but you have to be careful which sites. I use Greenmangaming and Kinguin on a regular basis, I have had one problem with a game code from Greenmangaming and they got me a replacement code within a day.
I have also used G2a. However I had a problem with a game code from them and it took me almost 3 months of having to repeatedly contact them to get a refund and that was with there code guarantee feature where you pay 70 or 80 pence to make sure you're covered if there's an issue. Because of that my advice is do not use them.

I trust Greenmangaming because they fixed the one problem fast (funnily enough it was a 30 quid Far cry 4 code I bought before release day)and Kinguin I've not had a problem with but remember I've bought hundreds of cheap games like this so 2 codes needing replacing is not bad. And it's saved me hundreds of pounds. Just remember if you do use these sites when you go to pay for the game there will be a small box offering you a code guarantee for 70, 80 or 90 pence, Always get it for piece of mind.

At the moment Far cry 4 is under 15 quid on Kinguin
Wonder should I get far cry 4 or dying light for pc ? or would I be better saving for fallout 4 ? I have £35 on steam so was considering a newish game, or can anyone recommend any others ?

I quite enjoyed farcry 3, and heard that FC 4 and dying light would be quite similar open world style games.

Specs are i5 4690k, gtx 970, 8gb ram

Witcher 3 or GTA 5 you can leave for a while and go back to them and familiarize with the controls pretty quickly.
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