Something wrong with my site . . . .

12 Jan 2003
Hi All

We are strugglin with our company website. It is written in joomla, and overall it is what we ased for, however, we arent really happy with it - it just doesnt look "right" . There are still lots of bits of content to add/modify, but just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how can we improve the overall look and feel, to make it feel more professional.


  • Page background image doesn't tile properly - Fix or remove entirely
  • Footer link bar doesn't match header link bar.
  • "News" link in footer is not even a link.
  • JPG artifacts are extremely visible in the header image/logo
  • Stock images used throughout the website are unrelated and look terribly out of place.
  • Same content is copy/pasted into several different pages. Maybe re-plan the content layout.
  • Text overflow next to first map, and blank cell next to second map on this page:
  • The text under each image in the footer (the model, leaf, and flower) asks users to click somewhere but the links are either dead or don't exist.
I could go on, but sufficed to say; no amount of modifying will make it look professional.

Do you need it powered by a CMS? It just looks like a static website. Site needs to be redesigned, content layout needs to be re-planned, and website needs to be hand coded from scratch using HTML/CSS.
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Everything above as well as:

1) Your hyperlinks have no hover effect giving the user little feedback

2) About -> HHL Documents page (and else where) has "click here" for every link on the page breaking the most basic of usability rules

3) "For admin staff" has the same problem with text overflow as "for patients"

4) Your google maps are static negating the point of even using them

5) Subscribe to newsletter says "no list available" - Get rid of it

6) The first email on the contact us page - link is b0rked

7) Homepage first image has "Welcome to" added to it in the most amateur fashion I've ever seen. At the very least surely you want it to say "Welcome to Harrow Health"??

8) The size of the comments box on leave feedback is tiny and the ability to add emoticons looks childish on a business website

Yeah, could go on but bored now...
Do you not have a dedicated web team? I know NHS Scotland do - would have thought England would too?

The first step I would take would be:

Open this file:

Find "#main"

Remove the "background-image" line

This removes the background image and leaves the nice blue instead - looks much better in my opinion
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