Sometimes Good Things Do Happen

19 Oct 2002
Just thought you guys would like to know that a wonderfull new life has entered this world lastnight (26th) at 10.29pm my 6.5lb baby girl was born and only after 5 1/2hrs of labour too. Zakiya is her name.

Mother and baby are doing just fine, I have only just made it home after a very long day. Pics will be posted as soon as i have them (on the Mrs Mums camera) She wasent expected until the 21st of march but baby had other ideas :D

I have never felt so happy as i have today i hop to god that this feeling will continue, its fantastic :D

Well thats me done with sharing my joy with you people im off to try and get some sleep.

Laters all

\0/ Congrats man :) Guess you and the missus will be undergoing nights of sheer...hell now as the little tiddler screams randomly throughout the night :p
Thanks Guys :D
|Show| said:

and an interesting name...whats it mean/wheres it originate?
Its an Arabic name that we adapted the spelling of to suit us, my partner is half Saudi, and it means Pure.

mightynimrod said:
Nice one mate, hope mum and baby are doing fine - trust me the feeling will continue for many,many years
well you did tell me things would change mate just hadent realised quite how soon:)
Congratulations to you and your missus on the birth of your daughter

Its a wonderful feeling. I can remember after having my first just lying there looking at him and couldn't believe he was ours and we'd brought him into the world.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww :)
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