Sometimes it's hard to be a woman...

16 Oct 2004
Pratislava, Berk-shire
As many of you know, mrs fatiain is pregnant (39 weeks today). She had a midwife appointment yesterday afternoon. Blood pressure was taken and wee checked "Oh" said the midwife.

BP was checked again (diastolic was up 38mmHg from booking BP) and there was more protein in her wee than an Atkins dinner. "Erm, have you got the car outside? Best get up the hospital quick" "Possible pre-eclampsia...."

Cue black smoke off my tyres screaming up to the Maternity unit. Get there and her BP is relatively normal again. But they've kept her in overnight and they're doing a 24hour urine sample (she's carrying a mahoosive plastic bottle of wee with her everywhere she goes)

I've now got to wrestle a 2 year old into clothes, collect a parcel from the Post Office and take her up another pair of socks as the ones I took her last night have a hole in.

I've been surprisingly level headed, cool, calm and collected. so AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

*and relax*
Update: Mrs fatiain is in a bad mood, they're keeping her in till monday! Her BP has stabilised a bit but there's still protein in her wee. She's having a bit of as laugh as the woman opposite has been in for nearly 2 weeks and has gone stir crazy!

Jonny69 said:
A big strong chap like you, struggling with a 2 year old?

I would take a pub full of Millwall fans on rather than a 2year old!

paul1980 said:
My wife gave birth yesterday afternoon

Congratulations, hope mother and baby are both doing well.

Better find her some more socks and take her up some grapes.

Thanks for all the best wishes.
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