song naming its like 30s - 50s i think it was controversial

24 Oct 2006
well i remember hearing this song a while ago. there was a video for it but it was in black and white looked like a old recording. the fbi "apperantly" investigated the song because it sounded very rood the corus was something that was legit but sounded due to the singer very rood any idea what this song could be ?
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jimbofett said:
louie louie by the kingsmen
The FBI did spend a lot of time investigating the song and whether it's lyrics were obscene. There are a number of other songs that were thought to have obscene lyrics from that time but they were never on the cleaned up recorded versions.
Definately sounds like Louie Louie... But it was all hype, the closest thing to an actual obscene lyric in it is "I smell the rose in her hair" which, if you have the right sort of brain, is a bit dirty :) It was the first hidden lyrics myth, sort of like reversing Beatles records.
The best one to pass under the radar was Shake, Rattle & Roll by Bill Haley.

"Like a one-eyed cat peepin' in a seafood store..."

How that one got by in those days I'll never know. :eek:
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