Sonicstage - Help me rid myself and feel clean!!!

29 Oct 2003
My main music folder is on a seperate drive with sonicstage installed on C: but, after installation, it's a little like Itunes in that you import your music to the main prog folder. After unistalling this frankly s*^&£$ software, the properties of my Windows drive (C) was still showing all the music still to be there in a pure data form. It was however not there also as nothing could be found, even with Hidden files and folders on. I reinstalled it and promptly saw all the music again. I then systematically deleted all the msic from Sonicstage and then uninstalled it.

Can you guess what happened......?

Yep, it deleted the music that I had imported from Sonicstage AND from my main music folder!!! AND i've still got a drive full of data that isn't there!! My Docs and admin docs show 7.07gb (of a 20gb drive which only has Wondows and progs on) my Progs showing 2.5gb and Windows showing 3.5gb.....but properties show only 3.5gb free of the 20 available.

Any idea of how to find and delete the data or is a ghost image going to be quicker?

cheers folks
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