SONOS issues

4 Dec 2003
I was wondering if someone could do me a favour with their SONOS system. Over the last few days I have been unable to stream live Football or Cricket on Radio 5 live and get a message about rights management. I am pretty sure this is new for me as I have listened to live sport plenty of times in the past.

Could someone check if it is working ok on their SONOS so I can see if it is a problem with my system or something more general? I have also e-mailed SONOS tech support but no reply yet.

Streaming works fine to my PC with no issues so I am pretty sure it is not an IP-address issue.
So I am still having the problem. Sonos tech support has helped, but I still cannot listen to live sport on 5 live or sports extra. I have tried booyakas tip with no joy. However it looks like the problem us with tunein as I get the same issue with the stand alone app.

Could someone try 5 live with live sport for me over the weekend?
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