It is a nice camera for sure but I'm not at all iterested.
I don't shoot and if I did I would by a dedicated video camera and lenses.
The 12MP is OK for some work like events, portraits and controlled studio situations but it would be a massive step back for my landscape and completely useless for my wildlife work.
I would be much more worried about the EVF and I still doubt continuous AF is close to a Nikon or Canon DSLR, certainly hasn't been on any Sony EVIL camera I have used however much their marketing department claims otherwise.
Then there is the lens problem. The Nikon 300mm PF is absolute game changer for me, it is really incredible how small and light it is. Plus all my other staples. Where is the 24-70mm f/2.8, 70-200mm f/2.9, 85mm f/1.8, any kind of tele lens, long macro, 20mm prime, 14-24mm f/2.8 equivalent.
And what does it give me beyond a DSLR, not much really. It is slightly smaller, but not much, and slightly lighter, but not much 200g lighter but with 1/4 of the battery life, once tat is normalized the weight difference is negligible.
However, I do see it as yet another small step forwards, a continuous improvement that will one day be a suitable alternative to a DSLR. By then we will have a load of Nikon dn Canon FF mirrorless cameras to compare.
I think for a lot of people it is a great camera but I see no reason to give up a DSLR for it. It is great Sony keeps iterating and pushing forwards slowly, that puts pressure on Canon and nikon to do the same. Rumours kicking about of a nikon FF mirrorless next year. I doubt it ut it problems means they have test samples given to a select few pros to get feedback on what to do next.
We still don't have good enough sensor based PDAF and although EVF continue to improve they don't beat a OVF quite yet.