Sony DCR-HC24E Handycam MiniDV Camcorder [20x Optical Zoom]

11 Apr 2003
Hi All, looking at getting this camera, it seems to look quite good and its under £200, I was just wondering how these actualy are, what the quality of footage is like etc, and if anyone has any examples...

Was also wondering as I dont realy know what MiniDV Is, will I need to buy anything extra with the camera to get it to work, and how long will the footage it takes be?

Thanks for your advice :)
Alternativly just been looking and the Canon MV901 MiniDV Is also an Option, again however not sure how good this is...

Or the JVC GRD340
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I have the Sony HC39 Mini Dv and have to say its a pretty cool camera for home use.

All MiniDv is, is the recording format. All you'll have to buy is some MiniDV tapes (about a tenner for 3 I think)
Only problem I can see so far is the battery life, its 90 mins, and for a 9hour one its almost £60 :mad:
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