Sony Ericsson 800i, any good?

20 Oct 2005
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Hi there, my brother is thinking of signing up with orange and has been offered a pretty good deal i think (free 800i, bluetooth headset, 200 mins cross network, 100 texts £25/month).

So I'm just wondering if anyone has the 800i, he'll probably be using the mp3 player but from my own experience with my samsung d500 battery life sucks when playing mp3s a lot.

Is this a good deal too? anyone got better?

Answers are appreciated thanks!
I assume you mean the W800i? It is a good phone although the keypad is a little bit smaller than I would like (my previous phone was the K750i) but it has a good battery life, it is well built and quite neat. I don't often use the mp3 function but I can normally listen to the radio for a couple of hours a day and not have to charge up the phone more than maybe once every 2 or 3 days. Also the colour scheme may or may not be to his taste but I suppose if he is considering it then he must like it :)
i also got the w800i recently, and im very impressed with the mp3 function of the phone. Battery life seems pretty decent even with mp3 playing, though the phone itself only comes with a 512mb memory stick ( i personally dont think that is enough but at least it can be upgraded :))

is your brother a student? if so, he can get some good deals, i myself got a student deal with orange; the phone was free, 12 month contract at £25 a month and that comes with 120 cross network minutes and 1000 texts per month. You need to show an NUS card or an ucas number to get the student deals though
I'm very pleased with my W800i. I upgraded the card to 1Mb and yesterday I compared it to my Ipod Nano thru my home hifi system and the MP3's sounded better IMHO. I don't have any battery probs either. I've got a silicon case and a screen protector on it too and it covers up most of the phone colour if you are worried about that. Although my case is orange too, wife says it looks like a lump of cheese.

I updated the firmware using SEUS website and the speaker volume and battery life have improvements in the latest firmware.

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I just got mine a few days ago. So far I've been impressed. Camera quality seems good to me, certainly good enough for nights out which'd probably be where it'd be used most.
Mp3 playing seems decent too, was using that function a fair bit yesterday and it seemed pretty impressive considering what it is.
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