Sony K608i - Unlockable?

27 Aug 2004
My dads just bought a new mobile, and since this mobile is only a few month old im thinking of nicking it to replace my Samsung E350 as its got better features (bluetooth and better camera etc) even though i dont like it as much as my Samsung. Can these phones be unlocked from 3? Im wanting to use it on Orange.


Sorry if im not allowed to ask this, dont know about the lagality of unlocking phones.
Sony Ericssons are mostly quite easy to have unlocked, IIRC.

It's the BB5 Nokias (6680, N-series, etc) that have yet to become easy to unlock.
Stellios said:
My dads just bought a new mobile, and since this mobile is only a few month old im thinking of nicking it to replace my Samsung E350 as its got better features (bluetooth and better camera etc) even though i dont like it as much as my Samsung. Can these phones be unlocked from 3? Im wanting to use it on Orange.


Sorry if im not allowed to ask this, dont know about the lagality of unlocking phones.
Unlocking phones is perfectly legal, as long as phone is not stolen (so don't know about 'thinking of nicking it to replace my Samsung E350' :D )

Yes, SE's are easy to unlock & some models you can updgrade firmware (removing SP's tacky theme/menus/etc) :cool:

Here :)
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