Sony kdl50w829, still good 50" buy or something else?

17 Jan 2006
Im looking for a new 50" TV

Needs to have Freeview HD or Freesat as getting rid of Sky.
I do have a Amazon Fire TV Box
I do use the iplayers/netflix but again the above box can look after that.

Basically for film/tv viewing.. Not really a gamer

is the Sony kdl50w829 still the best buy for that price range?
I am interested in 4k if slightly more, but dont think the content is there yet so not to fussed if not. Just decent clear picture.

Yep its still a great tv i love mine there wont be anything new until later in the year and 4K i agree content is lacking and don't expect it to change any time soon:)

A few places have it for under £700 now with 5 year guarantee ;)
Samsung better picture I was going to go for sony but got Samsung instead your better off looking at av forums

I got this in the end and its fantastic Samsung UE48HU7500

lots of good reviews on the Sony KDL50W829BBU
but its all down to personal choice really I wanted a 4 k model
and was going to get a sony till I compared the sony against a Samsung in a shop I dare not mention on here and lots of research on line and decided on the Samsung took me about 1 month of research altogether and think I got a good deal online
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There is no denying the Samsung UE48HU7500 is a good tv set but then it costs £600 more than the Sony W829 so its not really a fair comparison.

The best mid range tv at the moment are the Sony W829 or Samsung H6400 :p

If he wants to spend £1200 on 4K set then Yes the samsung would be a good option but the content is just
not there at the moment maybe in 2016/17:)
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