Sony KDL55W829B

7 Oct 2013
Looking to buy a new TV, this set seems to come up as a good buy, but I thought I would drop in for some OCuk advice before I pull the trigger :)

Ideal buying points for me:
48"+ (Ideally 55")
Ability to browse/play films via USB
SMART TV Apps (Primarily Netflix etc)
Picture quality (Films/TV only, gaming is on monitors so no worries there)

Things I don't really care about:
Sound, to some extend (I will probably get external speakers)

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
I really like the Fire TV and use it daily. I can't remember the last time I used the TiVo box for live TV, probably a few months back.

If you have Amazon Prime there's quite a lot of video content, plus Netflix, iPlayer. I also use it to watch the TWIT video podcasts on the TV, there's a pretty good £1 app.

For me I've definitely got my monies worth. Although the Fire stick is out now too, which is supposed to be good. The Fire TV is nice and responsive though, which I like. Not sure how the stick compares. Plus I can hardwire it to the router instead of using wifi.

Nice one! Yes I have Prime and Netflix too. Wanting to avoid Sky this time round, so streaming looks like it will work well, especially hardwired with a 100mb/s fibre connection :D


Perfect, thanks buddy.
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