Sony NWZ-A818 8GB

24 Jul 2005
Thinking of getting myself one of these this weekend, however after some looking about most sites state that they don't come with a Battery, headphones, Software CD or any sort of random/shuffle option.


I'm 99% sure that these places are wrong and couldn't find their arse with both hands, but does anyone have one and can clear this up for me?
My dad has just ordered one of these and it comes with Supplied accessories: headphones(MDR-X082), headphone extension cable, USB Cable, software (Windows Media Player 11, MP3 Conversion Tool), quick start guide (full instruction manual is included on the CD-ROM) all for £75 delivered, a bit of a bargain if you ask me.

Here's the spec from the Sony website, stating a shuffle option -
Great little player, a lot smaller than I expected. really light too so great for running with it.

Compliments my CX300's superbly :)
Well, I picked one up today. Had to pay a few quid more because I didn't want to order on-line and wait for delivery.

Pretty decent bit of kit ain't it? Sound quality, even with the standard headphones is pretty damn good, especially the bass response on early Rammstein.
They come with Sony Headphones, which are always good quality, and the sound output is also awesome! My sister has the A816 on my recommendation.

the Software CD is a non issue as the A81x series (upgrade from the A80x) has ditched the Sony Sonic Stage POS software in favor of drag and drop, so the player is just picked up as a USB device by Windows, drop your MP3 files on, and away you go!

The battery is inbuilt, so the details in the OP are probably concerning a separately packed battery, which there isnt.

Seriously considering one, although all MP3 player decisions hinge on my choice of new phone come June.... N95 maybe...
They come with Sony Headphones, which are always good quality, and the sound output is also awesome! My sister has the A816 on my recommendation.

the Software CD is a non issue as the A81x series (upgrade from the A80x) has ditched the Sony Sonic Stage POS software in favor of drag and drop, so the player is just picked up as a USB device by Windows, drop your MP3 files on, and away you go!

The battery is inbuilt, so the details in the OP are probably concerning a separately packed battery, which there isnt.

Seriously considering one, although all MP3 player decisions hinge on my choice of new phone come June.... N95 maybe...

the n95 is a crap music player:)
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