Sony Playstation 3 Launch Titles

PiKe said:
4 more and they've equalled the 360's launch :D

nah 360 had more than 10 surely? off the top of my head..kameo/pdz/pgr3/condemned/nba2k6/nbalive2k6/madden2k6/fifa06/amped3/quake4/tigerwoods thats 11, sure there were a few more
Well I can't really find any details on any of those games bar GT, and none of them sound like games I'd play, as I'd guess a couple of those are Japanese RPG-style games.

Will have to wait and see though.

Edit, ignore, I've been watching the bloody FMVs again :o
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im sure the european launch will be different, bar gt5, ea will kick loadz of games out, they will just port all the current xbox 360 titles onto it
Ripper^ said:
nah 360 had more than 10 surely? off the top of my head..kameo/pdz/pgr3/condemned/nba2k6/nbalive2k6/madden2k6/fifa06/amped3/quake4/tigerwoods thats 11, sure there were a few more
I believe the xb360 had 18 in total in the USA (in or around release), so can't have been much less fact:
Amped 3, cod2, condemned, fifa, gun, kameo, madden, nba2k6, NFS:MW, PDZ, king kong, PGR3, Quake 4, Tiger Woods, Tony Hawks - I'm sure there's one other as well, but can't think what it is? (USA also had RR6 and DOA4).

I can't remember another console release that had 3 must have's in it's release cycle (PGR3,CoD2 & PDZ)......I realise it's personal opinion, but that's mine! :cool:
Hopefully a next-gen Burnout game, as much as EA are bad and evil, Burnout is just Awesome. So awesome that I do a small dance every time I think of it...
Im actually looking forward to a decent SSX game on next gen - that and Madden (barring the X360 cut-down version) are the 2 best in-house EA games IMO.

Burnout is cool too (although technically its criterion who EA bought, that make it)
StooM said:
Im actually looking forward to a decent SSX game on next gen

Same here. The original was good (played the demo that came with the PS2 for hours), Tricky improved on that, then SSX3 was just :cool:.

Then they went and released SSX: On Tour which was utter crap :rolleyes:
GT always gets delayed doesn't it? Was supposed to be a launch title for both PSP and PS2 but never made it.

Other than that none of the others really tickle my fancy.
Seeing as it probably isn't going to be out for about 15 years then there will probably be some titles added... No doubt they will be pretty dull too! :D
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