Sony PSHX 500 - sound problems

28 Nov 2020
I have just bought Sony PSHX 500 and intended to play through a Cambridge Audio Azure 540A amp. The sound is mega muffled - we are into 'not working' territory as opposed to sub optimal. The turntable has a line out function which in theory means no preamp needed. I have tried connecting this function into the equivalent line functions of the amp - no joy. I tried using the phono option - same result and used a grounding wire. It's a brand new turntable so unlikely that it is broken.

It is an old amp . Do we think that despite the turntable having a line out function that I still need a pre amp? My understanding was a preamp deliver better sound rather than simply makes the thing work.

One final strange thing. The amp works with everything else. The CD player works well on CD mode and if you push another button (say 'DVD') the sound goes off as you'd expect. With the turntable, the really bad sound comes through every button on the amp. Hope that makes sense, hard to explain.
28 Nov 2020
Thanks again for these really detailed replies. Lots to think about! Strangely because I am suddenly working from home loads more, I have actually been re-connecting with my CDs this past year and really noticing how much better the sounds is through an amp in comparison. It's not like I didn't the know this, but I guess I appreciate it more. When I had more time and freedom to listen to music, I guess I was more interested in whether I liked something rather than the sound quality. What's interesting is how much higher the amp volume needs to be between CD and vinyl. At CD, even 25% volume seems loud what with being in a semi detached maisonette. Yet on the vinyl I am easily hitting 75% volume. Is that standard or do you reckon something is still not right...
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