After much thought I've decided to trade in my Canon dslr for the above.
I have used the DSLR about three times since I got it, mainly for taking pictures of planes. The rest of the time it's sat there collecting dust, which is a complete waste.
I have a Canon Powershot S120 which I use on my motorbike trips and Mtb trips. But Im looking for something a bit better.
I'll get £400 for my Dslr from wex and mtb.
I have used the DSLR about three times since I got it, mainly for taking pictures of planes. The rest of the time it's sat there collecting dust, which is a complete waste.
I have a Canon Powershot S120 which I use on my motorbike trips and Mtb trips. But Im looking for something a bit better.
I'll get £400 for my Dslr from wex and mtb.