Sony w829 55 & str dg510

17 Feb 2009
So bought the above TV for my new flat set it all up as I did with my LG but sound doesn't work. I've gone PS4 > IN (STR) > OUT (STR) > TV

I've changed the TV settings to speakers to no avail. Can anyone shed any light?
Yeah hadn't changed a thing since moving it over from old place. Just want to use it for ps4 and general movies via USB to TV or ps4. I'm going to buy two new HDMI cables to see if that helps.
OK so I re ran the calibration test and all test sounds came out then it said error 12 which apparently means the speakers arnt detected but then somewhere else states that this is just a message when no mic is connected?! Confused! I'm in richer sounds might just buy a new amp in the deals.
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