
24 Mar 2012
Anybody been watching the train wreck that is the Elementary OS public relations disaster the past week?

Everybody's all


And I'm just sitting here like

erm... what?

eOS made a blog post calling people who didn't pay for their OS a "cheater". A free, open source OS, who someone might download, just to try it out, is a "cheater" because they didn't pay for it.

Then the **** hit the fan about that in the Linux community. They've been attempting damage control since, albeit badly and just digging themselves into a deeper hole.

To be honest, I knew the developers were a bunch of arrogant nincompoops when they made a blog post about their "brand" and went on a pretentious tirade about what people call eOS. They want people to call it "elementary OS" lower case e on elementary important.

So people over on Reddit /r/linux have been sharing historical posts from them showing just what a bunch of nincompoops they are.

To be honest, they make a good DE. But that's it. It doesn't warrant getting paid for it, especially when it's built off the back of others. I've donated to PartedMagic (I actually buy and pay for PartedMagic) Debian and OMV this year and they didn't have to ask or call me anything to secure that donation. I donated because I use the product every day. I haven't donated to eOS because 1) They're a bunch of arrogant nincompoops, which I've known since the pretentious branding post and 2) I don't use it. I've downloaded it to try it. But I'm not going to pay a given amount to demo software. Nobody should. The demo should be free. If eOS then want to slap the full version behind a pay wall, then do it. But to have the audacity to call the people who put your product where it is "cheaters" because they won't pay you for AN OPEN SOURCE PRODUCT is the height of nincompoopishess.
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Needs links.... here are a few I've found from this

Along with this gem of a quote
"We feel that an entire operating system that has taken years of development and refinement is worth funding"

An entire Operating System?!?? They made a desktop environment built on (I believe) Gnome, and a few apps... hardly the same thing. or
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I've just read that,

I'm sure everybody appreciates the effort, but really all they've created is a forked Gnome to create a fairly crap DE...and it's Ubuntu underneath. There are so many missing features that there's no way I'd consider using it.

There are far, far better options for your Linux desktop.
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