
24 Aug 2006
Which is the best series of the Sopranos? Should I start at 1 or go stright to 5?

I've never even seen it before, but am a fan of Goodfellas.
I'd never seen it as of a month ago but have now got up to Season 6.

Definately start with Season 1 as it helps with a lot of the character building, and remember its only 13 episodes a season, not your usual 20-24 as with other US shows so it shouldn't take that long.

Just be prepared for some of the most brilliant TV you have seen in a while :D
Definitely start with season 1. Lots of the bit-part actors in goodfellas have fuller roles in the sopranos.
Start from the beginning so you can pick up stories and characters. If you were to start at season 6, you would be ruining a LOT for yourself when you went back.
first episode of S1 is funny "ouch my leg"

Funniest ep has to be in S3 though I think it is when chris and paulie are in the woods, hilarious ;)
R5Rich said:
first episode of S1 is funny "ouch my leg"

Funniest ep has to be in S3 though I think it is when chris and paulie are in the woods, hilarious ;)

Agreed - the episode is called Pine Barrens, absolutely hilarious:

Tony Soprano: [over the phone] It's a bad connection so I'm gonna talk fast! The guy you're looking for is an ex-commando! He killed sixteen Chechen rebels single-handed!
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: Get the **** outta here.
Tony Soprano: Yeah. Nice, huh? He was with the Interior Ministry. Guy's like a Russian green beret. He can not come back and tell this story. You understand?
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: I hear you.
[hangs up]
Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: You're not gonna believe this. He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.
Christopher Moltisanti: His house looked like ****.

To my mind, the third season is the last one worth bothering with. It became rather cliched and formulaic after this (there are some good episodes in other seasons though). And I worshipped the first three seasons. TV at its best.
Just watches season 1 as I only started watching it at Season 2.

Like most of the advice in here Season 1 is your starter for 10
I havent seen the second half of series 6 yet, but all I can say is that The Sporanos is the greatest TV show I have ever seen in my life.

Along with Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Sopranos has to be the greatest program ever, gotta start with S1, missin out loads if you dont. Pine Barrens is an awesome episode.

I dont know many other program that can blend so many elements so well. James Gandolfini puts in some of the greatest performances ever, has to be oscar worthy performances in more than half the episodes, I'm glad its not a film though.

The Sopranos seems to always draw comparisons to Goodfellas, Casino etc. but they're like 2 hours at most, Godfather all 3 films is still nowhere near as long as just 1 season of Sopranos. I dont reckon any of these films could have kept up anywhere near the same quality as the sopranos had they been series.
I think I watched about the first 2/3 seasons of this, up to the point where Tony's phyciatrist has a incident in a stair well (don't wanna spoil it for people starting to watch it).
After that it seemed to drop off in quality slightly, I was dissapointed that she did'nt get Tony to sort the guy out.
Anway do things start to pick up again in the later seasons? and has its been canceled/concluded does the ending make watching the rest of the seasons worthwhile?
6 seasons seems awefully short to conclude such a open ended TV show.
Must start on season 1, however season 3 takes some beating, especially the episode Pine Barrens: Link

Interestingly, prior to making this post I wasn't aware of how high the mark for this episode was :). Directed by Steve Buscemi as well, first episode directed by him.

As good as The Sopranos is though, I definitely prefer The Shield.
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R5Rich said:
first episode of S1 is funny "ouch my leg"

Funniest ep has to be in S3 though I think it is when chris and paulie are in the woods, hilarious ;)

Aye roflmao, I was cracking up when he started shooting his shoe.

I love how angry Paulie gets.
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