Sorround sound upgrade options from a old Yamaha set

20 Apr 2004
I have a old Yamaha set Ive had since buying my first AVR back in 2011. I can't remember the model but they where on the low end (got the speakers and a entry level AVR for £350 at the time) and kinda look like the Yamaha NSP41 set but abit more boxy looking.

Anyways I'm looking for a upgrade but not wanting to break the bank completely between the £350 to £500 range (if there really good) the only option I can see really are the Wharfedale DX2 package but would this offer a suitable jump in quality over what I have ?

Or am I better off slowly building up a separate package as and when I can afford them like Monitor Audio bronze etc ?

my current Amp is the Yamaha RX-483

Thanks in advance
Do the latter buy the minimum number of items now and get bits as you go along.

Ie get a avr and main speakers for now then later on rears, sides and sub

Sorry for the late reply

Thanks for the advice, I have a AVR im happy with, when you say get mains do you mean Centre as well as Fronts, Would Monitor Bronzes (centre and Bronze be a nice upgrade ? and then get FX's and the sub later ? I Kinda like things to match so any other speaker ranges you recommend ?

I don't know much about home cinema audio at this end.
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