Sorry Yewen, I think I just found a case better looking that a ATC.

4 Nov 2005
Soldham, in japan. I think there great. I would definatly buy one over a ATC.




Alu_ATC said:
Interesting cases no doubt, but Id still rather have an ATC anyday. Not too sure about the designs, they seem a bit fussy, and none as clean as an ATC. Some very nice features though! :)

Although I respect your opinion about you wanting a ATC. I dont agree with you saying these cases are too "fussy".

Clean lines, and the only fussy bit is the bolts. Which IMO look great.
Alu_ATC said:
Oh, dont get me wrong, its all opinion! - we're all looking at these cases from a completly aesthetic view. Im not a fan of the chrome looking bolts, but thats just me. They do have clean lines, but not sure I like the designs of some of them.

Still, new to the market is always good - I dont want an ATC either anymore, I have a 110 now :)

The PC with the 100% mesh side panels though is superb :cool:

Yep I think that looks nice too :) .

Wow you must like ATC's :D .
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