sorting songs on NWZ-A8**

5 Aug 2006
Kent, UK
am i being stupid or is there really no way to play all songs in the right order on my NWZ-A816.
I seem to be able to only play one album at a time, or all songs but in alphabetical order (now really sony, what is the point in that). What i want is to be able to load all songs to play and for them to play in the right order. can't see any way to do it though.
nope it doesn't. If i go to Home->Music Library->Folder->It gives me a list of all artists by folder alphabetically. But to get anything to play i have to enter a folder, which takes me to album names, enter an album, which then takes me into track names and click on the first track. It then loads up all the tracks in that folder not in all the folders. So it will only play all the tracks in that album (or folder), not all the tracks in its memory as i want it to.

I don't know if you're misunderstanding me or if i'm being really stupid. Maybe all your artists and albums are not in their own folders. If everything is in the same folder then i guess it would work.
:/ lol

i realise that it only loads up a folder at a time. if you play the last track in any given folder it will automatically play the first track in the next folder afterwards. all you have to do is make sure playback range is set to All range. try it, it will work;) its the only way i play my music on my sony. it was one of the reasons i prefer it over my iphone (or any ipod) - i dont have to mess around with tagging.

it works. awesome dude. thanks for being patient with me :D
(i had it in 'selected range' not 'All range' before :rolleyes:)
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