sound card instilation.

21 Jan 2008
hello all..

ive never had a sound card, always stuck to onboard and figure its about time i changed.

so im going to buy this in a few weeks when i have the money..

just wondering how to set it up? are there any power connectors or anything? or do you just disable the onboard sound, take the HDA cable from the motherboard and place it into the sound card, install the drivers and away you go?

excuse the noob'ness

hello all..

ive never had a sound card, always stuck to onboard and figure its about time i changed.

so im going to buy this in a few weeks when i have the money..

excuse the noob'ness


just wondering how to set it up?
Plug out power, stick it in the correct slot ( not sure if it's a pci or pci-e card, but if it's pci-e stick it in any pci-e slot and likewise for normal pci slots.).
are there any power connectors or anything?
Afaik no.
or do you just disable the onboard sound
Not necessary, you can keep both and choose in windows or even in the individual app which one you want to use for input and output separately, I use my soundblaster for output but my onboard for input (mic) and haven't found a single app that has given problems yet.

take the HDA cable from the motherboard and place it into the sound card
I assume u mean the cable form your cd/dvd drives to your soundcard?
They're not needed since windows XP and don't do anything afaik, at least, I haven't seen the need to use them since I had winxp and haven't used em.
install the drivers and away you go?
Yeah, definitely go for a Xonar DX. Avoid anything with Creative in its name.

To set it up, just stick it in the appropriate slot on your motherboard, plug in the power connector (there IS a power connector required on some cards), install the drivers and away you go. You don't even have to uninstall your old sound drivers.

If you're running an app and you don't hear sound coming out of it when you should, just check in the settings what it has set as its audio output.
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