sound card vs onboard, help :)

Try the onboard first, if its implmented its sound chip well it will be pretty good but not audiophile quality.

If your using vista for gaming then creative have lost a lot of their brands advantage as the better forms of EAX are no longer available in DX10 without using an new software translation layer which may not be icnluded with that kit.
EAX works in Vista without Creative ALchemy, if the Game is OpenAL as most modern Games are, only the older DirectSound needs Creative ALchemy and what does it matter as after it converts it EAX still works.

Dont know what above user means by last part, you are Free to download Creative ALchemy here :
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My mobo had the HD Realtek onboard I believe, I found my sound card sounded better but even more so when you turned the volume up, it was much clearer and didn't distort.

Audigy SE here.
Bought my Creative X-Fi and have never looked back, once you have tried a decent sound card you can never go back to on board ;)
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