Sound issue..

15 Jun 2006
Just built myself a new PC with the Asus M2N-E motherboard. It is amazing! plays all my games perfectly and is super quick..1 small issue though....for some reason the audio channels seem to have been switched.

Sound out of my right speaker/headphone should be from my left and vice versa...therfore i have been using my headphones the wrong way round and had to swap my 2 speakers over..which means they are in the wrong position. I have no idea why this is, but was wondering how i can fix it? really annoying in games because by using the headset incorrectly i cant use my mic, which is lame..any ideas?

i've been through all the onboard sound driver settings/options etc, no help. cheers
The speakers are connected properly to the back panel, but ive had to switch them. im using headphones connected via the front case port but the problem is the same...i heard of a utility that can switch the channels, would that be it?

i've been through all of the options in the SoundMAX control panel, which is the driver responsible for onboard sound - but no luck. This is really frustrating!!!! Argh.. :(
Hmm..I know the board is a NVIDIA nForce® 570 Ultra chipset, and the sound driver is a SoundMAX will this utility work?
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