Sound System for Partially Deaf Mother

25 Apr 2007
My Mam is totally deaf in one ear (the other ear is ok) and struggles to hear voices on TV. This is particularly exacerbated by the recent spate of drama programmes where the actors mumble, often over a noisy background. If there are no subtitles, she occasionally can't hear enough to watch at all.

A few months ago I encouraged her to get a new TV (which she needed) with a built in sound bar. Unfortunately she still struggles even though the sound bar is louder and clearer than the speakers built in to most moderately priced TV sets. My take on the matter is that simply increasing the volume and clarity isn't helping as there's no separation of the various elements of sound.

Therefore I've been trying to encourage her to try out a dedicated sound system but I am not particularly au fait with how they work myself. If she got a suitable AV amp, left, right and centre speakers, do all broadcasts these days separate out the voice to the centre speaker? Or is this just with big budget films? Does anyone have advice on the situation? It's just the voices that are the problem, either when the actors talk quietly or voices are merged with background stuff.
It's only her watching it in a detached house, so volume levels aren't a problem. I think headphones would give the same problem in that it's just one overall sound being chucked into her good ear.
I was hoping that everywhere and everything would be broadcast in 5.1, which would help me convince my Mam, but if not then it may be less use for her to spend a few hundred quid on a sound system. Bah.
It might be worth looking to see if her TV has any EQ settings.

Good idea. It probably only has presets like movie, home etc but I'll check it out. The sound bar is an integrated one though.

The trouble is that she's very defeatist as she's had the problem so long and is determined that nothing will work for her. She's off for a meal this afternoon. I might try and encourage her to have a look in John Lewis and see if they have an AV room she can try.
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